Our Ambassadors

John Buchanan

Former Australia cricket team coach, 1999-2007

"I am a passionate believer in providing young children with the best possible experiences they can have as they engage with different physical activities. In this way, fundamental skills such as balance, coordination, running, catching, hitting, hand-eye coordination and so on can be learnt at an early age in a fun and safe environment." 

"The consequence of good early foundational skills is that children can then enjoy sport and other more advanced activities with greater confidence, and a greater sense of achievement. Ultimately, these early childhood experiences lead to a lifelong interest in keeping physically active."


Ian Prangley

Sports Physiotherapist and Physical Performance Coach


"In my 20 years of developing tennis players I have not found a tee that is appropriate for beginner junior players to learn technique. Launch tee is perfect for this. The lightweight, innovative design minimises impact with the racquet, allowing children to hit the ball and see the result of their shot. This helps them gain confidence and increases enjoyment, as so many children are discouraged when first learning the game due to missed shots on balls that are thrown or hit to them."

"The tee is perfect as part of a tennis coaching kit. It is very portable, requires no set up, and I have found the colours also excite children, making them want to engage and play with the tees. As well as a tee for learning groundstroke technique for beginner players, the product can also be used in footwork drills, running games and also as a target, so it has applications for intermediate and advanced players as well."